Questions: | 11 |
Attempts allowed: | Unlimited |
Available: | Always |
Pass rate: | 75 % |
Backwards navigation: | Allowed |
IS 1717 (2012): Metallic Materials - Wire - Simple Torsion Test,Third Revision, 2012.
F.L. Singer. Strength of Materials, Harper and Row Publishers.
E.J. Hearn, Mechanics of Material, Pergaman Press, England,1972.
G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, SI Metric Edition, McGraw – Hill.
F.P. Beer and E.R. Johnston, Mechanics of Material, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New-Delhi, 2007.
Questions: | 13 |
Attempts allowed: | Unlimited |
Available: | Always |
Pass rate: | 75 % |
Backwards navigation: | Allowed |